Welcome to Breathing Easy: a magazine created to educate readers about air pollution. My name is Cassidy Ray, and I’m a student at Salt Lake Community College. At the beginning of the semester, the students in my English 2010 class were tasked with selecting a specific local issue that we would explore for the remainder of the semester. I chose the topic of air pollution because it is a powerful and deadly problem that is slowly destroying our health and massively contributing to global warming. It’s an issue that every human should be concerned about. I have dedicated the past few months to researching all aspects of our Earth’s air quality, and I’m excited to share some of that research with you.
I spent most of my childhood living in Bakersfield, California, the most polluted city in the country, and, growing up, I watched my brother struggle to breathe as he was suffering from eosinophilic asthma. His asthma was a direct result of the air he was breathing and caused irreparable damage to his health. Because of my own personal experiences, I have always been curious to understand why and how our atmosphere has become so toxic.
As we go about our daily lives, we often take for granted the air we breathe. Air pollution is a growing concern for people all over the world, and it is an issue that affects everyone, regardless of where they live. It is caused by a variety of sources, including industrial activities and transportation. The consequences of air pollution can be severe and lead to a multitude of health complications, including lung cancer, heart failure, and many more fatal diseases.
In this issue of Breathing Easy, I will be exploring the causes and effects of air pollution. I will be looking into the ways in which pollution affects our health, our climate, and our natural environment. In addition to exploring the negative effects of air pollution, I will also be discussing some aspects of hope in this seemingly hopeless situation. I will highlight the latest advancements in sustainable transportation, including electric cars and public transportation systems that use renewable energy. I will bring to your attention the various technologies and policies that can help us combat it, as well as discussing the steps we can all take to reduce our impact on the planet. I will also include a profile I wrote about Dr. Sandra Steingraber, a scientist and author who has innovated the way we observe air pollution.
My ultimate goal with this magazine is to raise awareness about the dangers of air pollution and to provide you, my audience, with the knowledge and tools you need to make a positive impact on the world around you. With widespread education being the most effective and simple way to combat pollution, I would be honored for you to take away something new from reading this issue. Take a deep breath in, a deep breath out, and join me as I explore the devastating world of air pollution.
Cassidy Ray